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IsoBuster Pro 3.8中文版


IsoBuster Pro 3.8中文版软件介绍 下载地址

IsoBuster Pro 3.8中文版 截图 IsoBuster是一个能够将TAO、DAO、ISO、BIN、IMG、CIF、FCD等镜象文件内容直接抓取出来的免费工具。支持各种软件所制作的镜象文件,还可以将DAT文件转换成MPG。

  • Isobuster是一个能够将TAO、DAO、ISO、BIN、IMG、CIF、FCD等镜象文件内容直接抓取出来的免费工具。IsoBuster支持各种软件所制作的镜象文件,有Nero、Duplicator、BlindRead、Easy-CD Creator、CDR-Win、Virtual CD-ROM、CloneCD 等,还可以将 Video CD 的 DAT 文件转换成 MPG 文件。

    IsoBuster 功能介绍

    IsoBuster Pro(光盘镜象提取制作)是一个能够将TAO、DAO、ISO、BIN、IMG、CIF、FCD等镜象文件内容直接抓取出来的免费工具。IsoBuster Pro(光盘镜象提取制作)支持各种软件所制作的镜象文件,有Nero、Duplicator、BlindRead、Easy-CD Creator、CDR-Win、Virtual CD-ROM、CloneCD 等,还可以将 Video CD 的 DAT 文件转换成 MPG 文件。
    IsoBuster Pro(光盘镜象提取制作) 中文版,一般想要拷贝加密的影音光盘是件比较麻烦的事,通常采用反编译软件去除加密代码或用nero保存轨道等方法,但对于一般新手可能望而生畏,而且有些双重加密的光盘用上述方法就更吃力了。在前一段时间里我在研究如何最快速的方法复制或提取加密光盘的内容时发现了这个强力东东:IsoBuster Pro(光盘镜象提取制作)原是用在提取镜象文件内容的,后测试发现它可提取加密的影音光盘内容,支持拖放,菜鸟级操作,方便之极!


    IsoBuster Pro IsoBuster是一款CD/DVD数据恢复工具,它能够从一个坏的CD或DVD中恢复丢失的文件。它支持所有基本的的CD和DVD格式和文件系统。在新版本中提供了下列增强:提供了对Mac文件系统(HFS和HFS+)的支持;支持MAC *.DMG映像文件;后台运行的新代码能够检查软件升级;支持对帮助文件的语言选择;能够指定临时文件夹;支持双层DVD-R。



    汉化方法:先安装原版,把 Lang 文件夹直接复制到安装程序根目录中替换。在 Option 菜单中选择语言选项即可设置语言。


    IsoBuster Pro 3.8 更新日志:

    I’m sure you will appreciate this new version. Again, tons of new functionality, improvements and the few needed bug-fixes. Improvements for the visually impaired, clean new icons, support for *.vdi, *.vhd, *.vhdx files, 4Kn drives with native 4096 bytes per block, and so on. Best just check the huge list below:

    Here’s a list of what I have been working on:

    Changes / New:

    Overhaul of all visual aspects of the software to improve things for the visually impaired, for instance high contrast mode works optimally now

    Overhaul of all visual aspects of the software to improve scaling (larger than default fonts – still with limits)

    Overhaul of all visual aspects of the software to improve and fix Right-to-Left reading where appropriate

    The use of 32 bit + Alpha channel icons throughout the software (Sorry Win2K users)

    Load and use system icons when appropriate (e.g. Help, Information, Exclamation etc.)

    Support for *.vhd Fixed, Dynamic and Differencing Virtual Disk Images

    Support for *.vhdx Fixed, Dynamic and Differencing Virtual Disk Images

    Support for *.vdi Fixed, Dynamic and Differencing Virtual Disk Images

    Full support for 4Kn drives (drives with 4096 bytes per logical sector)

    Browse back and forth between earlier made selections

    Complete IBP/IBQ managed image files ‘on demand’ as sectors are required and read. Requires a [Professional] license

    Show streams, attached to files or folders, via right mouse click selection

    Show extents of folders, very much the same like on fragmented files


    Show Hint text when hovering over Details, List and Small Icons buttons on the main form

    Improved ancient annoyance where the StatusBar text/hint when hovering over a TreeNode or selecting a ListNode would disappear again immediately

    IsoBuster gets focus again when selected via the task bar and when the properties window is showing

    Improved the location of the right mouse click popup, so that it now appears more inline with what Windows does

    Improved things so that both percent labels on the progress dialog get updated when 2 progress bars are showing

    Ability to resize the device-selection combo-box in the top left corner and option to keep the combo-box and tree-view under it at the same width

    Search dialog and Options/Settings dialog resizing by the user

    Show Video icon next to “Extract but filter MPEG frames” where it is almost certainly appropriate and make the entry default (bold) to hopefully steer the user in the right direction

    Improved the right mouse click popup on a properties window

    Show red error icon next to building lists of erroneous sectors (single objects only, not folders)

    Default saving disk fragments (From-To) and partitions etc. to file extension *.dsk instead of *.img for better loading support (*.img can also be optical)

    Do not show the File/Folder Search option in case the folder has been expanded already and proves to be empty

    Add Application and Version information in CUE file

    When closing the tray, do not show an error message anymore when the error is illegal field in CDB (05/24/00) or related, because laptoPS etc. don’t support closing and report this with an illegal field in CDB.

    Don’t even suggest to complete an IBP/IBQ file if there are no other devices other than the IBP/IBQ itself (e.g. no devices found or finding devices disabled and no other image files loaded)

    Fomat large numbers with dots or commas (depending on Windows settings) on more locations

    Dialogs that take addresses and sizes as input, now allow the input to be formatted with commas and dots

    The breadcrumbs control uses the same icons as shown in the treeview control, based on settings

    Seriously improved the look and feel of the breadcrumbs control for Windows XP and High Contrast mode

    The about box has a fresh new look and hopefully helps with the confusion between PRO – [Personal] and [professional] licenses

    “@open:” opens the Open Image file dialog, “@open:c:yzw.xyz” opens file: “c:yzw.xyz”

    Command: @show:extents or @show:streams or @show:resourcefork

    Added Ctrl+BackSpace shortcut to trigger the Breadcrumbs Edit function

    Added Ctrl+Shift+Q shortcut to start the IBP/IBQ Manager -or- EWF Properties (depending on the image file that is loaded)

    Added Ctrl+Shift+R shortcut to ‘run’ a file

    Added F8 shortcut to bring up the Options/Settings dialog

    Improve the workings of Ctrl+Shift+M to either create or complete an image file, making sure they don’t conflict

    Esc closes the From-To Dialog, the IBP/IBQ Manager, the About window, Properties and the file edit dialog

    Improved building the previously opened image file’s list and make sure a separator is not drawn as a thick line

    Make sure there are tab characters between text and shortcut, in popup menus, to keep it all readable

    Also support reverse reading when filling gaps

    Also support reverse reading of tracks in their session (last track first)

    Improved Buttons’ height in Toolbar (Up, Details, List, Icons, …)

    Improvements in the navigation bar, support for ‘..’, ‘’ etc.

    Show “Extracting Name-of-?” instead of “Extracting CD” when extracting a non-optical disk to a folder containing its partitions

    Auto-Save managed IBP/IBQ image file making every 5 / 10 minutes, depending

    A few improvements, changes and re-writes in the core code / engine, as this is a living project and to deal with the ever growing new functionality

    Various other, not listed, GUI improvements


    Fixed improper updating of the *.IBP, Managed Image File, after the reverse reading feature had been used

    Showing the previous search results, initiated via the search dialog did not work properly

    Ctrl+C would not always work in other windows than the main window (e.g. Sector View), because the main window would ‘steal’ the input

    Made changes to the breadcrumbs control, so that IsoBuster now runs on Windows 2000 (Win2K) again

    Several improvements parsing NTFS to deal with illegal values, especially during a scan for missing or deleted files/folders, to avoid exception errors

    Fixed an exception error when opening a CUE that points to multiple files but more than one of those files are not available

    Fixed a serious and possible data corruption issue with NTFS for large + fragmented files, on extraction to HD or elsewhere, because the offset in the first block would be wrong

    Fixed a data corruption issue with NTFS for files that fit in the $MFT records, but only on 4Kn drives, so drives that have 4096 bytes per block native and expose those blocks as such (so not 512e drives)


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